Friday, March 7, 2008

second assingment; cheracters

Answer these Questions as fully as you can:1: Who do you think is the main character of the novel What kind of person is the main character? Find several sentences from the book to support your answers.
at this momemnt i am not sure who is the main character of the story but it looks like its Darl.thats because he is the one who is always in the every convesation and trying to fix everything. becase of his stong personality and his way of threating the other he gets alot of repect.
"i told you to do it,its an order"-darl

you (the main character) see? What things do you hear? Smell? Taste? How do you feel?
if i was the main character i would be behaving like a leader all the time. that would help the way that the others are thinking and behaving. ihear manydifferent noises of different animas, most of them at night. because he lives in a town it kind of smeel like a farm becuse i can smell the animals,plants and even the wet dirt from the river. i can only feel like i can taste the corn ad beggies from the actully feels really good because there is not that much of noie like in the bis cities.its good.

i can rellate alot to darl because we both are always paying attention to whats going to happen or just happened.we both have a strog personelity that helps us in our daily assingments. what i think its different from arl and i its that he dosnt know when to act or be the man or hero of the story.


Karla Navarro said...

hellow guapo!
wow! ayy ke chulo mi nino de chikito. muah! te adoro! pues no se si sere la ninia mas linda del mundo pero si se k te amo!

Karla Navarro said...

hola amorcitoo...
ya lose pero a mi no me gusta ke estemos pe;eando por tontadas komo dices tu.
y io tnb te amo y muchisimo mas!
mucho mas! <33

Karla Navarro said...

te amo bebe!
no seas flojo ponte a aser los assignments...
t eextranio mucho mi ninio!